News in the bank preference scandal. Banco Santander, BBVA and La Caixa are providing facilities to their trapped clients so that they can recover part of their savings. They are offering them exchanges for shares or deposits on attractive conditions. As El Confidencial Digital has learned from financial sources, the main banks in the country with clients 'caught' in the preferred ones, such as Santander , BBVA or La Caixa , are beginning to offer them reasonable exchanges , which are being accepted in the majority of cases. Clients are willing to accept exchanges for shares or deposits , even if they lose one or two points of profitability. The alternative they would have would be to initiate lawsuits that could last up to seven years , and with an uncertain final result . The strategy of using complaints against the entities for this scandal to negotiate agreements with the banks is working. Your goal is to recover most of your savings .
According to the sources consulted, the banks themselves are also interested in reaching an agreement to avoid damage to their image and reputation due to the media pressure being Middle East Mobile Number List carried out by those affected. Problems for Bankia's preferred companies The clients who will find the most problems solving their cases will be those of Bankia, where there are more than 3,000 million issued and placed in preferreds . The offer by the president of the nationalized entity, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, to give a 4-year deposit at 80% nominal and 5% interest has been vetoed by the European Commission, having received public money and considered unfair competition . But consumer associations are not willing to sit idly by in the case of Bankia .

Sources from the Association of Users of Banks, Savings Banks and Insurance (ADICAE) assure ECD that they will join the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and UPyD in their complaint against Rodrigo Rato and 32 other directors of the entity, who are accused of falsifying accounts, unfair administration and fraud, among other possible crimes . Responsibilities of the Bank of Spain and the CNMV According to the sources consulted, Rodrigo Rato's lawyers will also seek to share responsibilities with the Zapatero Government , the Bank of Spain and the CNMV itself . They will try to get the former economic vice president, Elena Salgado , to explain the steps she took from the Ministry of Economy before giving approval for Bankia's listing on the stock market, since she had in her possession all the documents to authorize the operation . Furthermore, they will allege that the Bank of Spain was aware of the entire process, with Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez as Governor at the helm.